Have you ever wondered how many calories you burned while snowshoeing? So did we!
Calories Burned Snowshoeing
We decided to put on our research hats and help solve the question, "how many calories does the average snowshoer burn per hour?" Then, we took that question a few steps further to get a more granular breakdown of calories burned by men, women, weights, heights, aged groups, and by race. We are excited to share our findings with you in our infographic below.
Our Methodology
Step 1: We compiled and organized CDC data from the National Health Statistics report.
Step 2: Using Captain Calculator we ran calculations for calories burned per hour based off average weight in pounds for each of our breakouts.
Step 3: We organized the aggregated data points into a illustrative format in our [INFOGRAPHIC] Calories Burned Snowshoeing for Men and Women (see below)
To view the full infographic, scroll down to the bottom of this article and click on the image to get the full PDF with links.
The Results
Men, on average, aged 20-39 in the United States, burn 498 calories per hour snowshoeing at a moderate effort and 940 calories per hour snowshoeing at a vigorous effort
Average calories burned for men based on weight and height in the United States by age group
Average calories burned for men based on weight and height in the United States according to race
Women, on average, aged 20-39 in the United States, burn 424 calories per hour snowshoeing at a moderate effort and 800 calories per hour snowshoeing at a vigorous effort
Average calories burned for women based on weight and height in the United States by age group
Average calories burned for women based on weight and height in the United States according to race
To view and download the full INFOGRAPHIC Calories Burned Snowshoeing for Men & Women PDF click on the image below.